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'Prickles' is not just any Hedgehog - he is a truly remarkable 10-inch wonder adorned in his finest Tweed cap and Velvet waistcoat.


Crafted with care and love, Prickles boasts a coat of natural and tipped mohair, creating a spiky exterior that is truly unique. His ultra suede paw pads and hand-stitched black claws add to his charm, while his quizzical black glass eyes and hand-stitched nose capture the essence of his playful personality.


This lovable character is five way disc jointed and filled with beads to give him a delightful weight. And hidden beneath his fur coat lies a rich green velvet waistcoat, fastened with buttons in the colors of autumn. To top it all off, Prickles sports a handmade tweed hat that adds a touch of sophistication to his ensemble.


Creating Prickles was a joyous experience, and I hope that his charm and charisma bring a smile to your face as well.



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